Info on installations
Delivery and installation packages start at just £200
Ambient Spas have delivered hot tubs and swim spas all across the UK and our delivery team have come across some tricky installs, but haven’t failed to get one in yet. We will always work closely with our customers to ensure that the delivery date and time is convenient, and with a safe installation
If you already have a delivery booked and you have any extra questions you have thought of you can contact us on 01257 803377 or email

Once you have ordered your new hot tub we will talk you through what is involved in the delivery process, along with common situations that can cause difficulties on install day and what kind of access your home has. Don’t worry though, as part of our service we will offer you a free site visit where our team will visit your home and run through access, and identify any problems there may be prior to delivery.
Our hot tubs are usually delivered to site on their sides, using our spa sled or dolly. We will arrive with it on our trailer which combined with our delivery vehicle measures around 8m so it is important that there is space close to the location for us to park on arrival.
If your hot tub cannot be delivered using our traditional methods, we are able to use a hi-ab or crane depending on the length of the lift. Crane lifts are generally for large lifts (e.g. over houses) and hi-ab lifts are usually for small lifts (e.g. over walls or fences). We have developed a close relationship with companies who are experienced with hot tubs and we usually offer the role of liaising between you and the crane company in order to carry out a site survey and subsequently organising the lift of the hot tub.
This may have already been discussed when purchasing your hot tub, however if it wasn’t, please ensure that we are aware that the delivery will require a crane so we can schedule the lift for installation day.
The things that prevent crane lifts are telephone and power lines that run near the area of the lift, weak driveways that could be damaged if a crane is based on them and the length of the lift.
All of these issues can be worked around by the crane company on a site survey so do not worry, you are in safe hands! For small lifts over walls or fences, we use a local hi-ab company in order to quickly get the hot tub over the obstacle and into position.
-If you have any doubt as to if you think you may need a crane or hiab, then please send a “walkthrough” video via email or whatsapp
The provision of an electricity supply to the intended location of your hot tub is the sole responsibility of the homeowner. Your electrician will be able to advise on the size of cable required dependant on the ampage rating of your new hot tub. The installation must be undertaken by a qualified electrician and comply with the regulations set out below. The Government introduced a law in January 2005 which demands that most electrical work in UK households is only carried out by a ‘competent person’. The law means that electrical safety requirements have been included in a new Part P of the Building Regulations. Hot tub installations must also comply with section 702 in the 18th Edition IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers) Regulations as they fall in the same category as swimming pools.